Friday, January 17, 2014

Where were we..

..Well it's been a while since I've written on here, as every good plan it started off so well!
But I thought I'd wait till I had something to say, before I got back on here.

Anywhoo, I've just finished entering my new mega short film into a competition!

It's the Jameson's (and Empire Magazine's) Done in 60 Seconds. So the idea is that you pick a favourite  film of yours and you have to then recreate it in 60 seconds - and not a second over!

You can pretty much set it out however you like. I always seem to go for a very realistic shot by shot approach, which doesn't surprise me as I'm a sucker for a nice clean shot as opposed to getting too mental with it (maybe I should venture into the crazy with it one day), and getting a good quality shot is pretty easy now that I have my own Canon 7D SLR :D

Last year I went for a remake of Hook, which I was very proud of and we had a lot of fun filming, but unfortunately was not shortlisted. Hopefully we will have the director's cut version up on my Vimeo page soon! And that one can be as long as I want.

Check out the entry for 2013:

But back to this year, this time round I have chosen the age old family favourite, Home Alone.
Again a lot of fun to film, and each time round I learn new skills and approaches to film making. So even if we don't get shortlisted I feel I've won already because I'm doing what I enjoy and bettering my craft (not to mention getting to play 'make believe' with wonderful willing friends… seriously the things they do for me!)

For this shoot as always I was joined by friends from all my different groups - but mainly from work this time. We had car shots, chickens running wild, pizza on the floor, very hilarious acting: good and bad ;) and one broken Christmas ornament - sorry!

It has just been entered on the sight so should be visible to the public soon. There's a few rounds to the competition (a public voting one which I will need your help with, if we get through) So keep an eye on the website:

So for now, that's all folks!
